Monday, October 13, 2008

Hari Keluarga Leodian

Hari Keluarga 2006

Hari Keluarga 2007

Dahok Bara men lim-lim Rakyat/Warga/Anak Uma Belun Leodian, akei lim-lim kelok uli Celebrate Hari keluarga Duman anih. Duman anih tek Special men duman-duman aleng jak. Duman Anih Itam Menyambut Hari Keluarga temoh dahin Do Ulang Tahun ke 10 Duman Uma Belun Leodian bulak ha Asap. Lebak Keliah dahin cabutan bertuah. Lebak Hadian Lumayan duman anih. Duman anih Hari Keluarga pakei Konsep Maring. Jinun telok pakei Blok la'an, tapi telok pakei kumpulan. Tek 4 Kumpulan Telok Duman anih. Basong Hari Keluarga pun ngioh kumpulan. Hak Kelok Ikem Jam Kumpulan Kelok, Akei Lim Uli tegu jaka anih. Telok maie sayu kenep Ji kali laan men dahalok Biro Kebajikan & Sosial, avin daholok ji kali laan jadi pengajur Hari Keluarga Leodian 2008 duman anih. Plan nah Cuti kelok aleng Nyadui nan, ureh telok deng nei uli Celebrate Do Keluarga Duman anih Dahin Konsep maring ma'u duman aleng au. Men hi-hi aleng ikem maie sumbangan, deng Ctc dahalok Biro Kebajikan & Sosial. Sumbangan Anda Amat Lah Di Alu-Alukan. So, Kita Jumpa Di Sana... "Tuhan Memberkati"

-Web Admin-

Thursday, September 11, 2008

BN Sarawak nafi anggota di Belaga sertai pembangkang

source: utusanonline

11/09/2008 1:56pm
KUCHING 11 Sept - Setiausaha Agung Barisan Nasional (BN) Sarawak Dr Stephen Rundi hari ini menafikan khabar angin mengenai kira-kira 600 anggota dan penyokong BN, termasuk dari Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) dan Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) dari Uma Apan di Belaga menyertai pakatan pembangkang.

Dr Rundi yang juga setiausaha agung PBB dan anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Kemena berkata, beliau tidak menerima sebarang laporan mengenai mana-mana anggota BN dari kawasan penempatan Orang Ulu yang terletak dalam kawasan projek empangan eletrik hidro Bakun itu menyertai Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). “Kami sudah siasat, perkara itu sebenarnya tidak berlaku walaupun mungkin ada seorang atau dua anggota yang berada dalam keadaan ’atas pagar’ di kawasan itu,” katanya kepada Bernama.

Khabar angin mengenai perkara itu mulai bertiup kencang selepas salah sebuah penempatan rumah panjang Uma Apan, diruntuhkan oleh pihak berkuasa setelah penduduk kawasan itu diberikan notis mengosongkan kawasan itu ekoran perbalahan mengenai tanah. Dengan projek empangan Bakun dijangka siap pada tahun 2011, kawasan penempatan berkenaan juga sebelum ini dikenal pasti akan dibangunkan dengan ladang kelapa sawit dan lain-lain industri berasaskan pertanian. - Bernama

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tabung Amanah Bakun

Courtesy of: The Borneo Post Online

Permohonan biasiswa pelajar dari Belaga ditolak, gara-gara kontraktor tidak tunai janji

KUCHING: Permohonan biasiswa atau pinjaman pendidikan oleh pelajar dari Belaga ditolak berikutan anggapan Tabung Amanah Bakun (TAB) masih mampu menyediakan kemudahan berkenaan.

Sedangkan, menurut Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Belaga, Liwan Lagang, TAB tidak cukup wang untuk diberikan (kepada pelajar) kerana kontraktor pelaksana projek empangan Bakun gagal menunaikan janji.

“Permohonan dari Belaga untuk pinjaman dari institusi penyedia pinjaman pelajaran yang lain seperti Yayasan Sarawak, Dana Pelajaran Tinggi Sarawak, Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman dan lain-lain ditolak kerana mereka beranggapan beban kewangan dalam pelajaran ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh TAB,” katanya menerusi kenyataan akhbar semalam.

Liwan yang juga Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Asap Koyan berkata, kontraktor empangan itu telah berjanji untuk menyumbang RM5 juta kepada TAB.

“Penyerahan replika cek kepada bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir di Sibu dan disaksikan oleh Ketua Menteri Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud untuk tabung pendidikan ini perlu dikotakan,” ujarnya.

Penduduk Belaga katanya, kecewa dengan sikap kontraktor yang tidak menepati janji kerana tindakan tersebut telah menyukarkan ibu bapa untuk menghantar anak-anak mereka melanjutkan pengajian ke institusi pengajian tinggi.

Beliau berkata lagi, pemberi pinjaman atau biasiswa pendidikan tidak sepatutnya menafikan hak pelajar dari Belaga untuk mendapatkan dana dari tempat lain.

“Mereka tidak seharusnya didiskriminasi daripada menerima mana-mana biasiswa disediakan kerajaan negeri.

“Sebagai penduduk Sara-wak mereka mempunyai hak sama rata untuk menerima biasiswa dan TAB hanya berperanan sebagai pelengkap atau tambahan kepada dana yang lain,” jelas beliau lagi.

Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Asap Koyan juga mengesyorkan TAB untuk membawa kontraktor terbabit ke mahkamah kerana gagal menunaikan janji kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan dan penduduk Belaga,” katanya.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Call for NGV station in schemes (Uncle Danny)


Call for NGV station in schemes
By Conny Banji

Natural gas the most attractive alternative for over 10,000 settlers in Sungai Assap, Koyan

SIBU: The Orang Ulu people in Sungai Assap and Sungai Koyan resettlement schemes want the national oil and gas company, Petronas, to consider setting up a Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) station in their area.

DANNY: Majority of the settlers have no fixed income.

The chairman of Uma Belor Welfare Committee Danny Bungan said Petronas chairman Tan Sri Hassan Marican had recently said the national oil corporation had plan to have at least 200 NGV stations nationwide by 2010. It currently has 90 stations in the peninsula and intends to add 59 this year.

Danny said with the rising fuel prices, natural gas would be the most attractive alternative to the more than 10,000 settlers in the two schemes.

“Natural gas is cheap and also friendly to the environment, and I believe nearby Bintulu, which is the state’s premier gas town, has the necessary facilities for its production,” he told reporters yesterday.

He said the majority of the settlers had no fixed income but many of them had cars and 4WD vehicles in order to move around, go to their farms, and to Bintulu for shopping, medical, education and official matters.

“I have been told by my taxi driver friends in Kuala Lumpur that it only costs about RM8 to buy 11 litres of gas, to enable them to travel for at least 160km.

He said perhaps the only setback was the installation of the gas tank which would cost between RM3,000 and RM3,500 for a car the size of Proton Wira, Waja or Iswara. (based on Kuala Lumpur price).

“In the long run, this is a worthwhile investment. I hope Petronas and the government remember us when looking for an area to set up such stations in the state,” he said, adding that the fuel price hike presented much hardship to those depending on private vans or cars to travel from Assap to Bintulu.

“My relatives in Assap have told me that it now costs them at least RM50 (one way) to travel from Assap to Bintulu. It used to be RM35,” he said.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Uma Belor in Borneo Post

I was browsing Borneo Post online this morning. I found this article about my longhouse. Dated December 2nd, 2007.

Set target to produce more graduates
By Gaing Kunding

Salang says longhouse chiefs should work systematically to achieve the aim to produce at least a graduate per family

SIBU: Iban longhouse chiefs should set a target of their own on the number of graduates and professionals their longhouse can produce by the year 2020.

In making the call yesterday, Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Joseph Salang said after setting the target, they should work systematically towards achieving the aim, consistent with the community’s aspiration to produce at least a graduate per family.

Genta (third left) presenting a memento to Ding while Salang (fourth left), Ludan (fifth left) and others look on.

Salang was speaking at a ceremony to welcome the village security and development committee (JKKK) members of Uma Belun, a Kayan longhouse in Sungai Asap in Belaga who visited Rumah Genta Sabut, Nanga Bilat at Km17.5 Jalan Julau-Entabai, about one-and-a half hours’ drive from here.

“All longhouses should have their own yardstick consistent with the aspiration of our community and leaders to have at least a graduate per family by the year 2020.

“We should therefore plan, organise, evaluate periodically and work systematically towards achieving this objective at our own longhouse.

Salang said they could start with children who were in Primary 4 and above by nurturing and guiding them in the right direction and by providing a conducive learning environment at home.

“This can lead us to achieve our target or even surpass it,” the deputy minister said, adding that the effort called for great patience and perseverance on the part of parents, teachers and the students themselves.

He said to become a successful and developed community in all aspects, they needed to take their children’s education seriously.

In his speech, the leader of the visitors Ellison Ludan Muyan said the 105-door Uma Belun had set a target to produce at least 80 graduates by 2020.

“Part of our programme to realise this goal is by coming up with a uniform time table for children to do their revision and study at home.

“During that period TVs and radios will not be switched on in the entire longhouse,” said Ludan, a lecturer with Curtin University of Technology Miri.

Ludan who hails from Sungai Ngemah, Kanowit is married to a woman from Uma Belun.

A total of 35 JKKK members of Uma Belun, including their chief Maren Uma Ding Ajang visited the 14-door longhouse.

They were welcomed by Genta and his longhouse JKKK members.

More than 23 longhouse chiefs from nearby areas as well as several Serakup Indu Dayak Sarawak (SIDS) Julau branch leaders were also present.

The objective of the goodwill visit, among other things, was to foster closer co-operation between the two communities.